Help us plant the FEA Forest

Through the collective efforts of FEA members and working in collaboration with Trees for Cities we want to plant as many tree as we can with your support and provide a cleaner and brighter future for the generations to come. 
Business activities such as travelling, manufacturing and supplying equipment or simply using a computer releases over 400 million tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere annually.
Through our initiative you and your customers can offset your annual carbon footprint, provide cleaner air for the next generation, reduce noise pollution in inner city areas and educate children in the importance of nurturing the environment through the FEA Trees for Cities campaign.

What could you offset? A few suggestions..
  • Pledge a tree for every product sold 
  • Offset the carbon produced by a particular product
  • Plant 20 trees for every 500 miles covered by your engineers or service personnel
  • Offset the Carbon footprint for every dealer visit or product demonstration
  • Plant a tree for every order placed during the quarter
  • Or, to simply have an impact in generating cleaner air and a brighter future for the generations to come...
Signing-up to the FEA Trees for Cities initiative
Annual carbon emmission offsetting with the FEA Trees for Cities campaign costs £300 (+VAT), which plants thirty trees, offsetting 10 tonnes of Carbon dioxide (over a 100 year lifecycle of a tree). This entry level payment is required by everyone that signs up to the initiative, and requires renewal once your 12 months are up (it is not auto-renewed).

Once signed-up you will have the option to increase your initial pledge should you wish to. We now also offer the option to pay any addition pledges by monthly installments.

If you have already donated and are looking to increase your pledge during your 12 month term you can bypass the sign-up fee when filling in your contact details by selecting the 'No' option on question five.

You will be invoiced after making a pledge, this is charged in full. Any additional pledges made can be split over a 12 month period.