Thank you for taking part in this survey. We would like to ask you some questions about our Sexual Health & HIV Policy EUROBulletin.

The EUROBulletin provides a regular round-up of European policy developments, evidence updates and resources in the field of HIV and sexual health. Each issue also has an eFeature interview offering commentary on policy issues of relevance and interest.

The EUROBulletin was launched in July 2015 by MEDFASH. When MEDFASH closed in late 2016, the bulletin was passed on to NAM ( NAM published 4 issues in 2017 and 3 issues in 2018 to date, with another planned in December.

We want to ensure the bulletin is relevant, valuable and easy to use, so we really want to hear your feedback and comments. We will also use the feedback from this survey to report back to our funders.

The survey should take no more than 5-10 minutes to complete.

You can access the whole archive of the EUROBulletin on our website at:

We are particularly interested in your feedback on the most recent issues published by NAM: