
10% of survey complete.
Dear student,

Thank you very much for agreeing to help Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press with this research project.  

Why are we doing this research?

We are investigating the impact of Cambridge English Empower on learning. We really value your views as users of Cambridge English Empower and we are keen to hear about what you liked or did not like about the course book and online materials.

We will use this information to improve the materials in the future and make them better for learning English.

Many thanks,

The Cambridge English Empower Team

Please note:

All personal information will be treated as completely confidential and no individuals will be identified in any publications arising from the study. The information you give, but not your name, may be quoted. By completing the survey, you agree that your responses are owned by Cambridge English Language Assessment and Cambridge University Press and can be used for research and marketing purposes. The results of research may be published by Cambridge English Language Assessment and/or Cambridge University Press in any format, including online. We follow the ethical guidelines from the University of Cambridge, the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL), and the British Educational Research Association (BERA).