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5% of survey complete.
This EPMMM (Employee Performance Management Maturity Model) is a self-assessment questionnaire consisting of 19 questions.  It is a tool that aims to provide insight into the current state of your company’s Employee Performance Management process.

The first question relates to your perception of your company’s overall EPM maturity level.

At the end of the questionnaire there are also some questions about you and your company.

The next 18 questions relate to specific aspects of your EPM such as: 

- Alignment - how well the EPM drives your performance
- Feedback - measures the quality and frequency of feedback
- Process - how well the process is organised within your company
- Development - whether employees are sufficiently trained in the process and level of ongoing support
- System - whether the EPM system is integrated with other business planning tools
- Improvement - how the EPM is developed to meet your company’s future needs

To complete the questionnaire simply decide which of the four descriptions most adequately reflects your company’s current capability. 

If you find you cannot decided between two levels always choose the lower level.

Confidentiality of Data
Overall survey results maybe be used for publication and/or dissemination, but no individual or company data will be identifiable. On closing the online study all data will be downloaded and stored on a password protected computer only accessible by the research team, for 10 years, in line with Research Councils UK (RCUK) guidance, after which data will be destroyed and all files deleted.

Online data protection
The online version of this questionnaire has been constructed as an anonymous survey, meaning no emails, IP addresses and/or geolocation data will be identified in the responses unless you submit them in Q19. HTTPS survey links (also known as secure survey links) have been used, giving Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Encryption while a questionnaire is being completed.

Thank you so much for using the tool. You can access the results as soon as you complete the questionnaire!

Alex Boulting