
Lochcarron Community Development Company (LCDC) have commissioned Wester Ross Biosphere and UHI Perth to research into the feasibility of a digital woodland experience at Kirkton Woodland. This would involve site-based interpretation linked with augmented reality technology to visualise how the woodland has looked over time and could look in the future. The digital woodland would be an opportunity to learn more about a range of themes and would be tailored for use by the local community, as well as educators from schools and universities. It is likely that the digital woodland would also be of interest to tourists, and could represent a form of scientific tourism or eco-tourism. The aim of this survey is to gauge views from people living around Lochcarron. 

A summary of responses will be included in a short report which will be available to the community at the end of March. All responses will be anonymised. If you have any questions about this survey or would like to speak to the research team, please contact south@wrb.scot or zoe.russell.perth@uhi.ac.uk.

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* 1. Please fill out the below. This information will not be used in any outputs and is only required to verify responses.

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* 2. Your age

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* 3. Gender 

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* 4. Do you like the idea of using digital technology to develop a new educational experience at Kirkton Woodland?

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* 5. Which of the following would you be interested to learn about as part of Kirkton Digital Woodland?

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* 6. Do you spend any time in and around Kirkton woodland?

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* 7. Would you be more likely to spend time at Kirkton woodland if there was a digital visualisation experience and educational content?

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* 8. What factors would decrease or increase your likelihood of using the digital woodland at Kirkton?

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* 9. If you are unlikely or unable to visit Kirkton Woodland physically, would you use a remote option such as viewing content online from home?

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* 10. How confident are you with using the following technologies?

  Very confident  Mostly confident  A little confident Not at all confident
Smartphones & apps
Virtual Reality (VR)
Augmented Reality (AR)
QR codes

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* 11. Please use this space to comment on how you think a digital woodland experience would impact on the Lochcarron area and the community. (e.g. benefits/challenges) 

Thank you for completing this survey.