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Thank you for taking part in this survey

Your involvement is really helpful for understanding the attitudes and behaviours towards physical activity during this period of government-imposed lockdown in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Your responses will be used to help support more people to be active during the current lockdown.

Please follow the latest government advice.

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* 1. Gender

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* 2. Age

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* 3. To which of the following groups do you consider yourself to belong?

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* 4. Which local authority do you live in?

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* 5. Please indicate which one of the following best describes your profession?

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* 6. In light of COVID-19, what is your current working situation?

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* 7. In the past week, on how many days have you done a total of 30 minutes or more of physical activity, which was enough to raise your breathing rate? This may include sport, exercise and brisk walking or cycling for recreation or to get to and from places but should not include housework or physical activity that is part of your job

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* 8. In the past week, do you think you have done more, less or the same amount of physical activity and exercise, compared to a typical week before the COVID-19 restrictions were introduced?

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* 9. Which, if any, of the following physical activities have you done in the past week?

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* 10. If on Question 9, you answered "Home activity, fitness or exercise provided online by my gym/sports club/coach/instructor", could you provide the name of the gym/sports club/coach/instructor below?

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* 11. Why have you chosen to do that particular activity/activities?

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* 12. Thinking about these activities how does this compare to what you did in a typical week before the COVID19 restrictions were introduced? Is this more, less, or the same amount than you would have normally done in a week?

  A lot more  A bit more Neither more nor less  A bit less  A lot less  Don't know  N/A
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure)
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel)
Cycling for leisure
Cycling for travel
Running or jogging
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games)
I have not done any physical activity in the past week

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* 13. To what extent do you agree/disagree with each statement?

  Strongly agree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree Don't know
Since the outbreak I have found new ways to be active
I have more time now to be physically active
I have been encouraged to exercise by the Government’s guidance
I do not find exercising on my own enjoyable
I miss the types of physical activity I was able to do before the outbreak
I worry about leaving my home to exercise or be active
I feel guilty about wanting to exercise during the outbreak
I feel guilty about not exercising more during the outbreak
I exercise to help manage my physical health during the outbreak
I exercise to help manage my mental health during the outbreak
The current situation has not impacted my current exercise regime

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* 14. After COVID-19 restrictions have ended, I intend to...

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* 15. Are you placing a higher priority on physical activity since COVID-19 restrictions started?

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* 16. What three things have helped you be active during this time?

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* 17. What three things have got in the way of you being active during this time?

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* 18. How have the COVID-19 restrictions affected your mental health?

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* 19. Do you have a longstanding physical or mental condition or illness that has lasted or is likely to last 12 months and which has a substantial adverse effect on your ability to carry out day-to-day activities?

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* 20. Are you well enough to exercise today?

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* 21. If you’ve found new ways to be active, or have changed what you normally do to comply with lockdown restrictions, we would love to hear from you.

If you are happy to be contacted for more information about how you've been active please leave your email address below. All personal data will be used and stored in compliance with GDPR guidance.

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* 22. Please check this box if you would be willing for us to contact you with more questions or an invitation to a focus group/interview

If you have any questions about this survey or how your data will be used please contact
Thank you for completing our survey today. On our website, we have put together a support page to help you stay active during lockdown. We have listed available resources to be active at any age along with advice on mental health and wellbeing. This page can be found here:
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