Please fill in this form as honestly as you can. All information will be kept confidential by the trainer Kathleen.  And if there is anything you'd like to discuss more you can do so by phone or in person. Email: Tel: 07871955394 

Question Title

* 1. Please write a little bit about yourself and your life at the moment. These prompts may help you. What is happening for you right now? What would you like to change?

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* 2. Why would you like to learn to teach co-counselling? What would you like to get from doing the course and how would you like to use it in future?

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* 3. Do you have any concerns about participating in this course?

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* 4. Do you have any specific learning needs/requirements?

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* 5. Is there anything you'd like to share with us about your mental health history? For example, any diagnoses or prescriptions that it could be good for us to be aware of.

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* 6. What suggested contribution  (based on a sliding income scale) do you feel you can make towards this course?

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* 7. How did you find out about this Co-Counselling Teacher Training course?

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* 8. Please share the following details so we can contact you about the course:

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* 9. Do you have any feedback about this form? Thanks for filling it in!