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Rape Crisis Scotland and the network of Rape Crisis Centres across Scotland want survivors to be able to access the support they need and deserve, when they need it.

We are aware that there can be a number of barriers to support and that some areas have significant waiting lists. We are working to try and address this. To this end it would be helpful to capture from you the impact of having to wait for support, so that we can evidence this in our efforts. All quotes will be anonymous, and no identifying information will be used.

Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences.

In the meantime remember the national helpline is here every day 6pm to midnight on 08088 01 03 02. Free language and BSL interpreting is available and support can also be provided by email on

We know the helpline can be busy and sometimes it can be difficult to get through but we are here.

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* 2. How long have you been/were you on the waiting list?

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* 3. How has this wait impacted on you?

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* 4. Are there any other barriers to accessing the support you need?

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* 5. Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you for your time. Your input will help us in our work.
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