The OECD Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI) seeks your help in a research project about public sector communities and networks in future-related topics such as strategic foresight and anticipation. We want to recognise and give visibility to existing groups and better understand their experiences and the value of their work. If you are a community or network convener or coordinator, we invite you to answer this questionnaire by 16 October.

This 15-question survey should take around 10 minutes to complete. The information will be used for an upcoming summary about public sector communities in futures-related topics. Should the need arise to identify a community or network by name for a case study, we will contact you directly to request your permission. 

Please feel free to contact with any questions or concerns.  

Thank you, and we look forward to your responses.  
OPSI team 

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of the community or network?

Question Title

* 2. In which country is the community or network? If the community is international, please write 'International' as the country name.

Question Title

* 4. What is your own role in this network or community?

Question Title

* 5. Around how many people regularly participate in the community?

Question Title

* 6. What are the key topics of interest of this community or network?

Question Title

* 7. Who is eligible and invited to participate in the community or network? (e.g., unrestricted access, government officials, foresight practitioners)

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following purpose(s) describe your community or network activities? Please check one or more options as appropriate.

Question Title

* 9. How important is each of the following organisational features for the success of the community or network? Please rate each option from 1 to 5, considering 1 as "not a priority in the community”, 3 as "important for the community”, and 5 as a “top priority in the community”.

  1 "not a priority in the community" 2 3 "important for the community" 4 5 "top priority for the community"
Clear direction and leadership: A well-defined purpose, mandate, and strategy that establishes effective leadership and functionality.
Shared vision and goals: A common vision and objectives that everyone in the community embraces, driving involvement and commitment.
Unique community engagement: A special community experience that enhances members' trust and sense of belonging.
Distinctive initiatives: Purposeful learning and exploration activities and outputs that equip members with practical skills and knowledge for public value creation.
Constant collaboration and outreach: Continual engagement with partners and broader networks to detect signals and uncover opportunities to inform public policy.
Effective communication and feedback loops: Devoted efforts to connect and inform, fostering community cohesion and raising awareness in wider circles.

Question Title

* 10. Which of the following elements are part of your community or network? Please check one or more options as appropriate.

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* 11. Which of the following activities do(es) the community or network provide or conduct?

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* 12. How often do the following activities occur in your community of practice? These could take place in presence or virtually. Please answer each option from 1 to 5, considering “Rarely” as once per year and “Very Often” as every week.

  Never Rarely Sometimes Often Very Often
Brown-bag lunch
Coaching / Mentoring
Conferences and events
Peer exchanges
Project development (research or policy development)
Social media and newsletters
Training courses and workshops
Project demonstrations or reviews

Question Title

* 13. What interaction modes does your community utilise? Please check one or more options as appropriate.

Question Title

* 14. Does your community or network engage with these future-related methods and practices? Please answer each option if your community practices foresight, or leave it empty if your community is only engaged with foresight knowledge but not as practitioners.

  "This is unfamiliar in our community" "We have only heard of this" "This is known or used by some community members" "This is widely known or used in the community"
Quantitative modelling, e.g., forecast on a given policy issue
Horizon scanning
Development of scenarios or scenario planning
Compilation of (mega)trends
Delphi study
Causal Layered Analysis
Wind-tunneling / stress-testing

Question Title

* 15. How important are each of the following people or groups to the sustained success of the community or network? Please rate each option from 1 to 5, considering 1 as "not a priority in the community”, 3 as "neutral for the community”, and 5 as a “top priority in the community”.

  1 "not a priority in the community" 2 3 "neutral for the community" 4 5 "top priority for the community"
Informal groups
Established communities on other related topics (Task-based, Practice-based, or Knowledge-based communities)
Government departments and agencies
Companies and social enterprises
Charities, civil society, and voluntary groups
Academia, research institutions, think tanks, and experts
International organisations
Broader Networks involved in future-related topics (International or national networks, forums, or established working groups)

Question Title

* 16. What would you say is the main driver or factor determining the success of your community/network?