Brighton & Hove Mental Health Crisis House Service Public Survey

Help us shape a Crisis House service by telling us what you think in our survey, and you'll be entered into the prize draw for the chance to win a £50 shopping voucher.

NHS Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) are developing a Crisis House in Brighton & Hove.

We want to hear your thoughts about our plans for a crisis house.  The feedback, experiences and views you share will help to us to inform and shape mental health crisis services in the future.

A mental health crisis can be described as feeling at breaking point, and needing help urgently. For example:

·         When a person is at risk of hurting themselves or others
·         When someone is unable to care for themselves or function effectively in the community
·         Someone might be having thoughts or plans to harm themselves or take their own life
·         When a person is in distress
·         Someone may be feeling extremely anxious and having panic attacks or flashbacks
·         Someone may be having an episode of hypomania or mania (feeling very high) or psychosis (maybe hearing voices or feeling paranoid)

Brighton & Hove CCG commissions a range of crisis services for people with mental health needs in Brighton and Hove, including:

·         The Haven; A dedicated mental health crisis assessment facility
·         Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Team; Crisis support provided in people’s own homes
·         Mental Health Rapid Response Service; Urgent response service when people are in a mental health crisis and at immediate risk of harming themselves or others
·         Mental Health Liaison Team; Mental health team who provide mental health assessments for people who are inpatients at a general hospital or attending A&E
·         Staying Well Service; Crisis Café offering out of hours support for those in a mental health crisis or at risk of a crisis
·         Sussex Mental Healthline; 24/7 telephone service offering listening support, advice, information and signposting to anyone experiencing difficulties with their mental health (including people experiencing a crisis)

The Crisis House will provide intensive short term support and accommodation (e.g. up to 7 days) to people experiencing a deterioration in their mental health and are reaching a “crisis point”. The aim of the service is to help prevent people’s mental health deteriorating further, provide them with a safe and comfortable environment, and avoid the need for people to go into hospital where possible. The house will be based in the community with 24/7 staffing and will be available to adults aged 18 years and over.

If you need this survey in an alternative format or other language, or if you have any queries, please contact the Public Involvement Team at Sussex NHS Commissioners on the following:

Call:                01903 708 411