1. Gloucestershire Adults' Community and Wellbeing Survey

Gloucestershire County Council is conducting this survey to gather the views of adults about what is available and valuable within their community to keep them well and independent.  The results of this survey will help us to understand how people use their community and how we might shape this in the future. 
This survey will take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. You don't need to answer all the questions, only the ones that apply to you. We are not asking for your name or other personal details so your answers will remain anonymous.

All completed surveys will be collected by 21 July 2017 for analysis. After that we won't be able to collect any more surveys.

This questionnaire is being carried out with assistance from iMPOWER, an organisation who specialise in assisting public sector bodies, like the Council, to improve their offer to local people.

If you have any questions about the survey, or would like it in another format, e.g. another language or in large print, please ring 01452 328167 (Monday-Friday 9am-5pm), or email candwsurvey@gloucestershire.gov.uk
14% of survey complete.