Following on from earlier consultation, the City of London wants to find out some more specifics from parents and carers who live in the locality about what is important to them during their child(ren)’s early years.

The care provided to a child during the first 1,001 critical days (from conception to age 2) has a huge influence on their future. Therefore, we want to hear about how parents/carers find out about information and support that they can get, leading up to birth and during their child’s early years.

We also want to receive parents/carers thoughts on how the City of London could best provide an easily accessed support 'Start for Life Offer’ for them and their child.

Your feedback is really important and appreciated and it can be given by completing the very brief survey below by Friday 7th July 2023.

The data controller is Place Group Ltd. By continuing to complete the survey you are providing your consent that your responses can be used by Place Group Ltd as part of this research for the City of London.

Question Title

* 1. Please tell us your postcode:

Question Title

* 2. Are you:
(Tick all that apply)