Welcome to My Survey

Dear parents

South Bristol Children’s Centres (Family Services) would like to know more about how families in our area are finding life at the moment, and how the Family Services can best support you. If you have children under 5 and live in South Bristol you can help the Family Services tailor our services and support by answering the following questions.

Important: Your survey answers will also help inform the Bristol Girls Can project which is a partnership between the Children’s Centres, Bristol City Council and the University of Bristol and is funded by Sport England. This research has been approved by the School of Management ethics committee. If you have any concerns about the research you can email management-ethicscommittee@bristol.ac.uk. Data from the survey will be kept securely at the Children’s Centres and at the University of Bristol and only shared with the wider project team in anonymous form. For questions relating to the survey please email Lil Bowers at the Children’s Centres Family Services Team - lil.bowers@bristol-schools.uk or University of Bristol researcher Fiona Spotswood Fiona.spotswood@bristol.ac.uk.

The survey should take about 10 minutes to complete and all answers will be kept confidential and reported anonymously.

· I confirm that I have read and understand this information and have had the opportunity to consider whether or not to participate.

· I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving any reason, without my treatment or legal rights being affected.

· I agree to the secure storage of my data, in line with the General Data Protection Regulation, as it pertains to the above study, am aware that my identity will remain confidential, and that my contact details will only be shared with members of the research team with my consent.

· By continuing I express my consent to participate in the present study.

Thank you for your time!

If you feel you would like support from your local family services team please call 07795 952621.

Question Title

* 1. Are you male or female

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* 2. How many children do you have under the age of 5?

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* 3. What is your postcode?

Life in lockdown

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* 4. Would you say life has changed for you as a result of lockdown?

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* 5. Would you say life is harder or easier for you as a result of lockdown?

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* 6. As a parent, how well do you think you have coped during lockdown?

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* 7. What have been the main challenges for you during lockdown?

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* 8. What would you say are the greatest challenges for you?

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* 9. Have there been any positive changes to your life as a result of lockdown? 

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* 10. Have there been any positive changes to your life as a result of lockdown? 

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* 11. We would like to know how you feel about the easing of lockdown.
Please rank the following in terms of how concerned you are, with 1 being 'I am not concerned' and 5 being 'I am very concerned'

Question Title

* 12. We would like to know how you feel about the easing of lockdown.
Please rank the following in terms of how concerned you are, with 1 being 'I am not concerned' and 5 being 'I am very concerned'

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* 13. Would you describe yourself as 'physically active' before lockdown?

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* 14. If you answered yes to question 11 -
What type of activities did you do before lockdown that made your heart pump faster?

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* 15. How often per week were you physically active before lockdown (in sessions of 30 minutes at a time, that made your heart pump faster)?

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* 16. How have you been physically active during lockdown? (select as many as you like)

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* 17. How much physical activity are you doing a week during lockdown (of 30 minute sessions at a time, that makes your heart pump faster)?

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* 18. How physically active have your children been during lockdown?

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* 19. What is your local Children's Centre?

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* 20. How did you use the Children's Centre Family Services before lockdown?(select as many as you used)

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* 21. How have the Children’s Centre Family Services supported your family during lockdown? (select as many as appropriate)

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* 22. Have you tried the activities that Family Services have suggested on the virtual timetable or Facebook pages?

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* 23. In what ways have Family Services made contact with you?

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* 24. What Family Services support would help you most at the moment?

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* 25. How do you think Family Services should communicate with local parents?

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* 26.
Would you be happy to take part in an online interview about your everyday life and how the Children's Centre might be able to support families in the local area, particularly in relation to physical activity? 

(Interview participants will receive a £20 e-shopping voucher to thank them. Participants who volunteer will be contacted by the ‘Bristol Girls Can’ team, in partnership with Bristol City Council and University of Bristol. The interviewer will not have access to any of your answers in this survey, just your contact information).

Important: Your personal information will be kept separate from the information you have provided in this survey so your answers will remain confidential and will be reported anonymously.  Thank you

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* 27. If you answer yes to question 24, please provide:-