This survey will be used by the three recognised trade unions at Royal Holloway to understand the working conditions and concerns of all staff at the College in the aftermath of the partial shutdown and increase in remote working.
Trade unions do not just represent their members' interests, they have a legal duty to defend the health and safety of all employees. So, we welcome responses from all staff at the College. Your responses are critical to our ability to understand and represent you. The results will be collated, analysed and then used for internal negotiations and campaigns.
All individual responses are confidential and we will ensure that any identifying information is removed. However, if you prefer to leave the final section on demographics blank then we can still use your other responses.

Thank you for taking part. If you have any questions or concerns you can contact UCU via our branch email account: rhulucu2018 at

We think it should take 20 minutes to complete the survey.