Membership Review
Cumbria CVS is undertaking a membership review to help us to ensure that we provide a service  that is useful and relevant to local groups that is easy to understand, engage with and provides some benefits.  As part of this process we are asking both members and non members for feedback.
This questionnaire is for members of Cumbria CVS.

We will continue to review responses submitted however, responses completed prior to Friday 17 August 2018 will be
used to inform a report to Cumbria CVS Trustees.

The deadline for completing this survey is Friday 17 August 2018.
If you would like to remain anonymous please complete the survey accordingly.

Thank you for your help. Your response will be used to help improve Cumbria CVS services and support.

If you have any queries please contact :
Alison Phillips
Support Services Manager
Cumbria CVS
01768 800350

Please click 'Next' to start the survey. The survey is 2 pages long.