Carer Trust CPN - our brandBackground - why we need your help

We have been thinking about how we look and talk about the work that we do. In particular, we would like to change our name. You can see our current brand and name at

Our name has come about through the merger of many organisations and we are currently known as Carers Trust Cambridgeshire, Peterborough, Norfolk.  This really long name has many abbreviations meaning we have a confused identity. We also support both carers and people with disabilities and health conditions.

We are proud of our history and excited by our plans for the future. We have a great opportunity to find a new look and way of talking about our work to make our ambitions clear.

We are asking for your thoughts and opinions because your input is vital to the decisions we make. We can't do this without you!

This survey is being conducted by an independent agency, Red Pencil. Your responses will not be attributed to you so please be as frank as you like.

Please complete your responses by Monday 25 March at 5pm. 

By way of a thank you if you provide your email address at the end of this survey, you will be entered into a prize draw to win a £25 One4All gift card which is accepted by over 130 high street brands and 50,000 outlets nationwide.

Thank you very much for your contributions.
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17% of survey complete.