MBC Summer Team 2023

Registration Form

We are so excited to have you as part of our youth team to Waterford Baptist Church, from 6th - 14th July 2023. 

We will be in touch after Sunday 29th January (closing date) with more information! 
1.Young Person's Name
2.Birthday (summer team is for 15 - 18 year olds at time of trip)
3.Young Person's Phone Number
4.Does your young person suffer from any medical conditions and/or have any food allergies? If so, please list here.
5.Parent/guardian name, phone number and relationship to young person
6.I give permission for my young person to take part in MBC's Summer Team to Waterford Baptist church. (Another consent form  will be issued, with a detailed itinerary, before travel).
7.I give permission for my young person to be part of a team whatsapp group with leaders and other young people from MBC. This will be monitored by leaders.
8.I give permission for my young person to take part in team meetings/Bible studies prior to the mission trip. These will take place in the church or in a leader's home. Parents will be provided with a list of dates and locations after sign-up closes.
9.I give permission for my young person to be photographed and videoed during team events.