1. Taking Part

Welcome to our Coast story sharing FULL questionnaire.   This is for multiple entries so if you only have a single story to share please use this link instead -https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/COAST-SHORT - or visit www.coast.scot.

You can download a Word version from www.coast.scot if you’d like to prepare in advance and then cut and paste across.

We have a few questions set out for you - please answer as much or as little as you like - no story is too big or too small and simple notes will do if that works best for you.  Feel free to skip sections not relevant to you and also to go back and amend anything as you go along - the survey is only complete when you reach the 'done' button.  And do feel free to come back and do this again if new stories come to mind.  If you come direct to our questionnaire you will find much more information on this exciting project on our website www.coast.scot 

Also as Gaelic culture and language is significant across the West Coast of Scotland this is a bilingual survey.  Please complete this questionnaire in your preferred language - and if responding in Gaelic we have a just a few questions where we ask you to provide a brief English synopsis purely to help with our collation and analysis.  All Gaelic stories will be narrated in Gaelic.

Fàilte gu ar ceisteachan air roinn sgeulachdan a’ Chosta. Tha beagan cheistean againn dhuibh – faodaidh sibh cho beag no cho mòr ’s a thogras sibh a fhreagairt – chan eil sgeul sam bith ro bheag no ro mhòr agus nì notaichean sìmplidh a’ chùis ma tha sin ag obrachadh nas fheàrr dhuibh. Agus tha cothrom agaibh tilleadh agus seo a dhèanamh a-rithist ma thig sgeulachdan ùra thugaibh. Ma thèid sibh dìreach gu ar ceisteachan, lorgaidh sibh tòrr a bharrachd fiosrachaidh mun phròiseact bhrosnachail seo air an làrach-lìn againn aig www.coast.scot

Cuideachd, on a tha cànan is cultar na Gàidhlig cudromach air feadh Costa an Iar na h-Alba, is e suirbhidh dà-chànanach a tha seo. Feuch gun lìon sibh an ceisteachan seo sa chànan as fheàrr leibh fhèin – agus ma tha sibh a’ freagairt ann an Gàidhlig, tha dìreach beagan cheistean againn far a bheilear ag iarraidh oirbh geàrr-iomradh goirid a thoirt dhuinn ann am Beurla dìreach airson cuideachadh le ar co-thional agus ar mion-sgrùdadh. Bidh na sgeulachdan Gàidhlig uile air an aithris ann an Gàidhlig.  

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The Coast That Shaped the World LOGO

<span style="color: #001f00;">The Coast That Shaped the World LOGO</span>

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* 1. Please confirm you are happy to take part in our story gathering project and to share information with Coast that Shaped the World and Northword (for more information see www.coast.scot)

Daingnich dhuinn gu bheil thu toilichte com-pàirteachadh nar pròiseact tional sgeulachdan agus roinn fiosrachadh le An Costa a Chruthaich an Saoghal agus Northword (airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh faic www.coast.scot)

Question Title

* 2. To allow us to follow up with you please provide your contact details below (under current data protection regulations (GDPR) we will only use your data for the purposes of this project as set out on the Coast website and in our Privacy Policy.  At any point you can contact us via this website and ask for your details to be removed from the data base).   We anticipate input from overseas so ask you to state which country you are in!

Gus ceadachadh dhuinn conaltradh riut às dèidh làimh, thoir seachad d’ fhiosrachadh conaltraidh gu h-ìosal (fo riaghailtean làithreach dìon dàta (GDPR), cha chleachd sinn an dàta agad ach airson adhbharan a’ phròiseict seo mar a tha mìnichte air làrach-lìn a’ Chosta, agus nar Poileasaidh Prìobhaideachd. Faodaidh tu fios a chur thugainn aig àm sam bith tron làrach-lìn seo gus iarraidh air d’ fhiosrachadh a thoirt às an stòr-dàta). Tha sinn a’ sùileachadh in-chur bho thall-thairis, mar sin tha sinn ag iarraidh ort innse dè an dùthaich sa bheil thu!

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* 3. Would you like to receive updates as the project progresses (using the details provided above)? 
Am bu mhath leat ùr-fhiosrachadh fhaighinn mar a bhios am pròiseact a’ dol air adhart (a’ cleachadh a’ mhion-fhiosrachaidh gu h-àrd)?

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* 4. Which language are you completing this in

Dè an cànan sa bheil thu a’ lìonadh seo?