Chorley Council has launched a consultation on the introduction of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) which is the new power that will replace Dog Control Orders (DCO) under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. The Council believes these proposed changes will benefit local communities, neighbourhoods and the local economy as this will help maintain  clean and safe healthy neighbourhoods, town centre and place to visit.  The new legislation means our existing Dog Control Orders need to be reviewed and agreed.  We want to make sure these restrictions reflect as much as possible what the public want and that we strike the right balance between dog owners and the wider public. The consultation will be carried out for six weeks via Survey Monkey from Wednesday 10th May 2017 – Wednesday 21st June 2017 to gauge your opinions. 
The Council has the power to make Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO's) under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. PSPO’s specify an area where activities are taking place that are or may likely be detrimental to the local community's quality of life. PSPOs impose conditions or restrictions on people using that area.

The new power replaces Dog Control Orders to create a more comprehensive and consistent approach when dealing with issues such as dog fouling, keeping dogs on leads and excluding dogs from specified areas. PSPO's apply to 'Public Spaces' where the activities that are taking place have a detrimental effect on the quality of those to the local community.

The orders will come into effect October 2017 and PSPO’s will last for three years once approved, at the end of this period the existing PSPO can be amended for a further three years.  

The proposed Public Spaces Protection Order’s for Chorley Borough Council are:

 1. Failing to remove faeces  Dog Fouling Order

2. Failing to put and keep a dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised Officer Dog on Lead Direction Order

3. Failing to put and keep a dog on a lead in a restricted area Dog on lead Order
4. Allowing or permitting a dog to enter or remain on any part of a restricted area Dog Exclusion Order
Chorley Council really wants to know your views on the proposed changes to the current Dog Control Orders. Results of the  survey will be analysed after the closing date for the progression of the orders.


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* 1. Do you own a dog or walk a dog for somebody else?

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* 2. Are you responding as a...?

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* 3. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce a borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) to deter dog   fouling ?

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* 4. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce a borough wide PSPO to ensure dogs are on a lead by direction?

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* 5. Would you like to see the introduction of a new control under the PSPO to restrict the number of dogs that can be walked by a single individual on and off the lead?

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* 6. If yes, how many dogs do you think the single individual should walk on and off the lead at any one time?

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* 7. Do you agree with the proposal to introduce the PSPO to ensure all dogs are kept on a lead in designated areas?

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* 8. Do you agree with the proposal that dogs should be excluded from designated areas?

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* 9. Do you think the current signage for Dog Control Orders across the borough is clear and visible?

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* 10. What is your gender?

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* 11. What age group do you belong to?

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* 12. What is your religion

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* 13. To which of these groups do you consider you belong

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* 14. How would you describe your sexuality?

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* 15. Do you have a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? (Long-standing means anything that has troubled you over a period of time or that is likely to affect you over a period of time)