Welcome to the CCI survey

9% of survey complete.
Cutting Crime Impact (CCI) is an EU Horizon 2020 research project exploring practice-based innovation in preventing, investigating and mitigating high-impact petty crime. 

The aim of the CCI project is to enable police and relevant local and national authorities (i.e. security policymakers) to reduce the impact of crime and, where possible, prevent crime from occurring in the first place.

CCI focuses on crimes that impact negatively on citizens and their communities — including violence, robbery, burglary and anti-social behaviour — and on the feelings of insecurity that such problems create.

CCI will develop support tools, resources and guidance materials to enable police forces and policymakers to better implement effective practice.

The aim of this survey is to help us create a bibliography of key publications related to the CCI areas of focus. This will be a valuable contribution to knowledge, developed from the perspective of police and public security practitioners.
Your participation
We would like your involvement in this survey to identify the most important publications (i.e. books, policy documents, manuals, etc.) informing Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) and security policymaker practice in four areas of focus:
  1. Predictive policing
  2. Community policing
  3. Crime prevention through urban design and planning
  4. Measuring and mitigating citizens’ feelings of insecurity
This survey will ask questions about all four of these areas. Please feel free to answer “no” or skip any questions that you feel are not within your area of expertise.

Please answer the questions based on your own knowledge or experience. Your answers do not have to reflect the position of your organisation / employer.

Your responses will be completely confidential and anonymous — you will not be personally identifiable from any of your answers.

You can leave the survey at any time by simply clicking the 'Exit survey' link, at the top right of the screen. All your answers will be saved.

Completing the survey should take between 10–20 minutes of your time, depending on your responses.

If you wish to withdraw your survey after you have completed it, or you have any questions, please email pvansoomeren@dsp-groep.nl
By clicking the 'Next' button, below, you confirm that you are aged 18 years or older and voluntarily agree to take part in this research survey.

If you do not wish to take part in this survey, please simply close this window.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research & Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 787100