
The Mobility as a Service (MaaS) European Union Alliance is a partnership across the private and public sector to develop a common view and approach toward MaaS. One of the working groups within MaaS addresses regulatory challenges. This working group seeks to identify legal and regulatory barriers to MaaS both by country and from an overall European perspective. This will act as guidelines for public authorities on all levels to set the right legal framework to support MaaS deployment.

What is MaaS?
MaaS can be defined as "using a digital interface to source and manage the provision of a transport related service(s) which meets the mobility requirements of a customer". The MaaS business model can include the marketing of the following types of services to consumers:
  • Access to third party vehicles (including ride hailing, car sharing, car pooling etc).
  • Servitisation (bundling) of different transport services offered as a "package".
  • Journey planning services.
  • Payment services that provide access to different transport services.
Participant Information
By taking part in the questionnaire, please be aware of the following:
  • Your data will be anonymised and you will be assigned a pseudonym.
  • The data will be used for the purposes of research and a White Paper report where findings will be reported at an aggregate level and cannot be traced back to you or your organisation.
  • Taking part in the questionnaire is completely voluntary and you are free to withdraw from the questionnaire at any time and if you choose to do so, all your data will be removed.