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* 1. How helpful has the resource been for learning this subject?

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* 2. What was your main reason for using this resource?

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* 3. Were you using this RLO to learn/support learning as a:

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* 4. How did you find out about this resource?

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* 5. Did you experience any of these problems in using this resource?

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* 6. Would you recommend it to others?

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* 7. What did you most like about this resource?

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* 8. What did you least like about this resource?

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* 9. In order to help us track the use of this resource, please let us know which institution or organisation you are from.

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* 10. If you would be willing to give more feedback on this resource, please fill in your details below:

Thank you for your support in providing this feedback

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* 11.

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