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* 1. Council Tax

South Hams District Council proposes to increase council tax for 2021/22 by £5 per year, representing an increase of 2.93%. This would mean a Band D property would pay £175.42 in Council Tax for the year*. This increase will help maintain essential services. Do you agree with this approach?

*The share of the council tax bill charged by Devon County Council, the Police and Fire authorities and your local Town or Parish council to pay for the services that they provide, is added on top of the £175.42 charged by the District Council, to make up the total council tax bill. The proportion of the overall bill charged by South Hams District Council is only 9% of the total bill.

Question Title

* 2. Business Support - Covid 19 Government funding 

As part of the money received from Government for the Covid-19 Discretionary Business Grants, South Hams District Council is looking to set aside some of the funding for specific business support.

This may include; business specific training such as online trading, support for organisations like BIP (Business Information Point), highstreet interventions to boost footfall and COVID compliance officers. Would you find this useful and support this initiative?

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* 3. Recovery from Covid-19

As we move towards recovery from the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, do businesses support the general principle of ‘Building Back Better’ with a focus, where possible, on a ‘Green Recovery’? 

Question Title

* 4. Budget Strategy

Please provide any comments that you would like Councillors to consider when setting the Council's budget and/or future strategy.

Thank you for your time and for participating in our questionnaire
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