
Question Title

Thank you very much for agreeing to participate in this anonymous survey on data management. The survey will take no longer than 10 minutes of your time.

The purpose of this research is to calculate the total cost of ownership (TCO) when adopting selected vendor products across a range of subject areas including; data integration, cloud integration, data governance, data quality, master data management and data lake management.  

In return for completing this anonymous survey we will: 

1. Provide you the advance / pre-release report prior to market publication

2. Provide free entry into a prize draw – First Prize £250 Amazon voucher, over £500 in prizes in total

3. We will make a donation to an exciting and worthwhile cause - Mine Advisory Group (MAG). Bloor selected this charity based on our relationship with Endurance Athlete Rebecca Rusch, after watching her film Blood Road, see trailer. Upon completion, Bloor will provide access to the full film and will be holding an invite only Q & A with Rebecca.

If you have any queries you can call Bloor on +44 (0)207 043 9750 or email us at

Consent Information

By beginning the survey, you are providing your consent to participate in this survey. If you would like to take a break at any time, you can leave the survey by closing it and return to it later, using the original link.

 Data Protection

This is an anonymous survey, and is fully compliant with data protection requirements.

The information provided by you in this questionnaire will be used for research purposes only. It will not be used in a manner which would allow identification of your individual responses. Any personal details voluntarily provided will remain strictly confidential.

Anonymised research data will be archived at Bloor in order to make them available to other internal researchers, in line with current best practice in data sharing.