
Thank you for contributing to the BioExcel Competency profile, the survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

BioExcel is a newly launched Centre of Excellence aimed at supporting biomolecular researchers with the use of HPC and HTC platforms.

The information we gain from the survey will be used to develop the BioExcel training programme (see figure 1).

Figure 1: steps taken to develop the BioExcel Training Programme

What is a competency? - A competency is an observable ability of any professional, integrating multiple components such as knowledge, skills and behaviours. Competency profiles or frameworks are used for recruitment, performance management and development discussions, and in our case to develop a training programme.

An example of a competency is “Function effectively in teams to accomplish a common goal“.

We are defining the competencies that users need to fully exploit the applications provided by BioExcel. You will be asked whether you want to complete the survey for an Entry Level User, Expert User or Systems Administrator (referred to as user types). It is important to keep in mind that we are not asking what competencies or skills you possess, but what you think the user type needs to be able to effectively use the BioExcel services.

If you feel that you can contribute for more than one type of user, e.g. you are a specialist user and you employ entry level users, we would ask you to fill the survey in multiple times.

The survey will present you with the BioExcel competencies one-by-one and you will be asked to rate what level of expertise the user should have for this competency. For each competency there will be a text box where you can provide us with comments for that specific competency.
The survey will be closed at the end of September.

Any questions, please contact Vera Matser by emailing