Welcome to our Bichon Frise

Thank you so much for taking part!

Our Dog Crush feature in Dogs Today magazine takes a fresh look at a different breed of dog each month. We are working our way through our own personal 'dog crushes' and trying to find new and accurate information by asking pet owners direct. Dogs that we have day dreamed of owning but still haven't due to a number of boring practical reasons. These features are designed to give others who have a similar love a visual feast and a fascinating and unique insight into what it is like to live with the object of our affection.

This month we're focusing on the Bichon Frise! You can skip questions you don't like or don't have an opinion on but your help in compiling this is most appreciated.

At the end we ask if you would like to leave your address so we can send 25 people who completed this survey a one off magazine to say thank you. If you don't want to be put in the draw please just skip it. Thank you again, do grab a cup of tea to keep you going.

This feature is planned for our April edition out the second Thursday in March.

Beverley Cuddy

Question Title
