
Barnet’s Local Offer is a guide to the services available in Barnet for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) aged from birth to 25 years old.

Our Local Offer gives service users and their families’ information about education, health social care, family support services, leisure activities, preparation for adulthood, advice and support groups in their local area 

Information on these services, as well as information about SEN processes is gathered on  our Local Offer Website.
We want families to be at the centre of the reforms and our service improvement agenda. As part of this, we are keen to stress our commitment to co-production and want to further develop our Local Offer in line with what families in Barnet want.

As part of an annual review, we would welcome your experiences and views on how our Local Offer services and website are currently working.

Thank you for your time – your participation in this important consultation is greatly appreciated.

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