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* 1. Are you currently a member of Milton Keynes Libraries?

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* 2. If so, how long have you been a member of Milton Keynes Libraries?

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* 4. If you use any library authorities other than Milton Keynes, please specify which one(s)?

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* 5. Which services do you pay to use in the library?

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* 6. What do YOU consider the 3 most important services provided by a library?

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* 7. As an existing library visitor, you know your library service well. Is there anything that you think would make your library experience better, perhaps by using technology more creatively? We would like to hear your comments.

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* 8. In Milton Keynes, robots are already delivering shopping. What do you think about the idea of robots delivering books to a community collection point?

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* 9. Here are some ideas to extend library usage. On a scale of 1-10 (1 being strongly disagree and 10 being completely agree) let us know what you think about:

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Somewhat Don't really have an opinion Agree Somewhat Strongly Agree
Libraries as a place to collect parcels.
Libraries hosting adult learning courses.
Post Office facilities in Libraries.
Libraries as work spaces for startup companies in their first year.
MP and/or Councillor surgeries in Libraries.
Libraries offering crime prevention workshops.
Libraries displaying the work of local artists.
Libraries with moveable shelves to enable creative use of space.
Use of libraries for evening/weekend community events and activities (e.g. concerts).