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In April 2021, the Growing Older with Learning Disabilities (GOLD) Group will talk to leaders in the sector about what we think are the most important issues for people with learning disabilities who are growing older, and those who support them.
The aim of the conversation is to bring these issues to the attention of leaders, particularly those who work in mainstream settings, to ensure people with learning disabilities receive good and equal support as they grow older.
To do this, we need to know what the most pressing issues are. Please fill in the survey below to let us know what you think should be discussed. 
This survey is completely anonymous. Data will be stored by Bild Group.

Question Title

Frailty: a person's ability to bounce back and recover from events like illness and injury

Advanced Care Planning: Advance care planning gives people the chance to plan their future care and support, including medical treatment. They are useful for people who have a life-limiting illness or who are at risk of losing their capacity.

Diagnostic Overshadowing: happens when a health professional assumes that the behaviour of a person with learning disabilities is part of their disability without thinking about other things such as illness or pain.

Neurology: the branch of medicine that looks at nerves and the nervous system. Neurologists are specialists in epilepsy.

Social Prescribing: this is a way for local agencies like GPs to refer people to a link worker. Link workers can connect people to community groups and services for practical and emotional support.

Do Not Attempt Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR): This is a document which says that if your heart stops beating you do not want the Doctors to try and make it start again. They are used when people are nearing the end of their life.

Question Title

* 1. Please rate which topics you think are most important to be discussed at the GOLD round table meeting?

  1 - Least important 2 - A little important 3 - Somewhat important 4 - very important 5 - Most important
Advanced care planning
End of life support
Equipment needs, including inequality in getting access
Access to healthcare
Diagnostic Overshadowing
Access to epilepsy and neurology specialists
Dementia assessment screening and baseline
Experiences of older family carers
Hearing loss
Housing and accommodation, including age limits on types of housing
Cancer diagnosis and access to cancer screening
Access to social prescribers
Access to local fall services
Including people within black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
Loneliness and isolation
Access to technology and the internet
Use of DNACPR - Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation 
Thank you for your contribution to this survey.
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