Survey 1 - Estimate of Nutritional Requirements

The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Group (PENG) of the British Dietetic Association (BDA) recently funded the development of guidelines for the estimation of nutritional requirements for publication in the “Pocket Guide to Clinical Nutrition” in 2019.

In order to measure the impact of the guidelines, two surveys will be circulated. This is the first survey and it is designed to establish current practice in the estimation of energy and protein requirements. The second survey will be circulated approximately 6 – 12 months after publication of the Pocket Guide and is designed to measure the impact of the new guidelines on clinical practice.

We shall be very grateful if you would complete this survey and submit it electronically. Please feel free to circulate the link to any relevant colleagues.

A paper version of the survey will be sent to all dietetic departments during February 2019 for use by anyone who does not have access to the internet or who prefers this method. Please feel free to copy and circulate the paper survey to any relevant colleagues.
Please return all questionnaires (online and paper) by Monday 22 April 2019

Thank you very much for agreeing to take part in this survey.