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Age UK Gloucestershire want older people across the county to have a stronger voice. To that end, we are inviting you to share how you are getting on, tell us how you feel about things at the moment and let us know the issues we should work to do something about. Please help by filling in this quick survey with your own experiences. If you would prefer to give your answers over the phone, you can call free on 0800 2980579 and speak to one of our team during office hours. Your answers will help us understand what matters to you, plan future projects and services, and enable us to ensure the voice and experience of older people get heard. As our way of saying “thank you”, all surveys completed by the 21st August 2020 will be entered into a free draw to win a delicious afternoon tea, delivered safely to your door.
Rob Fountain, Chief Executive Officer Age UK Gloucestershire. 

How you are feeling about your current situation? Everyone’s experience is different and your personal views are important.

Click the button below to get started!

Question Title

1. Q1 Considering the last three months, how have these changed for you?

  1. Increased 2. Stayed the same 3. Decreased
The amount of contact with your family
The amount of contact with your friends
The amount of contact with your neighbours
The amount of exercise you do
The number of new people you meet
How much you use the internet
How much you use other technology
How much time you spend on your hobbies
Your income
Your enjoyment of life

Question Title

2. How much do you agree with the following statements?

  1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
There is more “community spirit”
I am feeling isolated
I am more worried about the future
I have a comfortable home and enough food
I am worried about being able to do food shopping
I am safe
I am worried about contracting Coronavirus
I am worried about my health in general / I have missed a medical appointment 
I am worried about my finances
I have learned a new skill or revisited an old interest
I have had to cancel a planned outing/holiday
The decrease in traffic and pollution is good for my wellbeing
The information about coronavirus is confusing

Question Title

3. Which 3 words would you use to describe your experience of Lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic?

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4. What would make the current situation easier for you?

  1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3. Neither agree nor disagree 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
Having access to clearer information
Having someone to ask if I have a question
Having more money
Having fewer lockdown restrictions
Spending more time with friends and family
Having a way to meet new people and make new friends
Knowing how to use my phone/laptop/tablet to keep in touch
Having an online group where I can meet new people
Knowing more about activities and services in my community
Help to remain or become more active
Having someone else living in my house to keep me company
Nothing – I’m managing well

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5. Are you currently

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6. How are you currently feeling?

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7. How often do you use the internet?

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8. How do you feel about lockdown restrictions being lifted?
Pick the one that most closely describes how you feel.

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9. What do you expect to be the biggest challenge for you in the next 6 months?

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10. How would you describe your ethnic backround? 

If you do not want to disclose this please write 'prefer not to say' in the text box.

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11. Are you

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12. How old are you?

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13. Which district do you live in?

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14. Who else lives in your household?

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15. Are you currently receiving support from

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16. Are you a carer?

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17. Are you aware of Age UK Gloucestershire’s work?

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18. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?

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19. We’d love to keep in touch with details of how Age UK Gloucestershire can help you, our projects, news, what’s happening in your community and ways to get involved or support us.

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