5G networks in combination with network slicing permit business customers to enjoy connectivity and data processing tailored to the specific business requirements. This questionnaire serves as an initial contact with business customers to get an idea about their use cases and diverse service requirements. The results of the questionnaire will be analysed and discussed within the GSMA. If required GSMA will contact you again for more detailed discussions. It will take 15 minutes to complete the survey.

5G网络,结合网络切片,允许企业客户根据具体的业务需求享受连接和数据处理服务。该问卷作为与业务客户的初步联系,了解业务客户的用例和不同的服务要求。调查问卷的结果将在GSMA内进行分析和讨论。 如果需要,GSMA将再次与贵公司联系以进行更详细的讨论。