Welcome to Storybook Waves Family Feedback Survey

Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey.  

Your comments and feedback are very important to us. The feedback you provide will help us to improve the service that we offer to families and it will ensure we are able to continue to seek funding from organisations such as the RNRMC.

If you have any comments that you would like to share directly with the Storybook Waves Project Manager, please email Kathryn.Hearn@aggies.org.uk.

Thank you 

Question Title

* 1. My serving person made their recording:

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following statements

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
My child enjoyed hearing the story from their serving parent
My child enjoyed receiving their FREE gift pack from Aggie's Storybook Waves
Storybook Waves helped my family feel connected to their serving parent
Storybook Waves has had a positive impact on my family
Storybook Waves is a valuable service
As the stay at home parent, I feel supported by my serving person

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* 3. What impact did hearing your serving person's voice have on your child(ren)?

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* 4. Had you heard of Aggie's before you received your Storybook Waves pack?

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* 5. What impact did receiving the pack and Storybook Waves have on your family

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* 6. If your serving person recorded their story with an Aggie's Pastoral Worker, did the Pastoral Worker make a phone call to you during the separation?

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* 7. What else could Aggie's include in your child's pack to help your child?

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* 8. What else could Aggie's include in your child's gift pack to help you?

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* 9. Is there anything we can do to improve the project?

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* 10. How else can Aggie's Storybook Waves and Aggie's Pastoral Workers support you and your family?

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* 11. How did you/your serving person hear about Storybook Waves?

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* 12. How likely is it that you would recommend Storybook Waves to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 13. If you would be happy for Aggie's to contact you for a case study or quote to be featured in Aggie's publications or grant funding please complete the details please.