
The W3C AccessLearn Community Group has been in existence for around a year now. We've had some great discussions on the group's scope and aims helping W3C WAI support online learning accessibility. Now it's time to move forward with some specific activities intended on producing meaningful outcomes.

So, following discussions at recent Group teleconferences, we propose two parallel work streams:
  1. Gap Analysis of existing WAI resources
  2. Documenting what the online learning community needs
Each work stream will work collaboratively and in parallel, and towards a specific objective. Our intention is that there's regular informal CG teleconferences, where work streams report on progress and identify how best to present deliverables.

Details of Workstream proposals on AccessLearn wiki.

This very brief survey asks current and potential AccessLearn members to:
  1. confirm your approval of the two workstreams.
  2. assuming you agree with the proposal, express how you would like to be involved in the work stream activities of the group.
  3. if you don't agree with the approval, provide suggestions for alternatives.
A simple majority of respondents who confirm approval for the two work streams will mean work proceeds on that basis.

You'll be asked for your contact details. This is to allow work stream leaders to contact you with more information about the work streams. Your details won't be shared with anyone else.

Please take a few moments to complete the survey. 
Thanks! Dave and Sarah, AccessLearn CG co-chairs.