We encourage submissions of innovative products or processes with relevance to breast surgery. After editor review - submissions will be featured on the iBRA.NET innovation group website. 

Question Title

* 1. Contact Details

Question Title

* 2. Innovation name

Question Title

* 3. Brief Summary of Innovation (for breast surgeons). 250 word limit. (include what the innovation is, what is does and how it works, how it could help breast surgeons, current state of innovation - e.g. is it commercially available (if so what date was it available from), is it being piloted or is it in research and development phase)

Question Title

* 4. Figure/Image of Innovation

GIF, JPEG, JPG, PNG file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 5. Weblink

Question Title

* 6. References directly regarding innovation (3 maximum).

Question Title

* 7. I/We consent to the use of the content provided to appear on the ABS iBRA.net Innovation group website and its use in any innovation articles/publications that might be produced by the group. (content may require editing) - You or your company can change or withdraw your content on the website at any time. 

Question Title

* 8. GDPR compliance: I/We consent to the use of our contact details to be held for the purpose of the ABS iBRA.net Innovation group and agree that I/We can be contacted in the future. (Details can be removed at any time upon request)