Question Title

* 1. Where does the data you print originate i.e. what software is used to create
the data, please check all that apply?

Question Title

* 2. What format(s) do you use to bring the data into GrabCAD Print for printing
on your J750?

Question Title

* 3. What would be your ideal or preferred format for bringing the data into
GrabCAD Print?

n.b. if you need advanced properties not provided by these formats or if you are unsure what they support. Please add details of what you are looking for e.g. textures, decals

Question Title

* 4. When the data is in GrabCAD Print what visual attributes from the authoring
system do your expect to be applied and what are their priorities?

Question Title

* 5. If you expect to edit the visual attributes of the appearance data as it comes
into GrabCAD Print which do you expect to be able to change: and what are
their priorities?

Question Title

* 6. Can we contact you for clarification and follow up questions?