Welcome to PB:Training / PB:Running

Thank you for taking your time to provide me with your responses. This form is a very important part of client screening ahead of undertaking a safe workout.

As an independent business, PB:Training / PB:Running, will never sell any of your personal data to any third party. Your privacy and your security of data is important to me.

Information I collect about you and why

I will collect your full name, telephone number, and email address during registration and completion of this form. This will NOT be used to communicate with you under normal circumstances about our sessions, for example to let you know about any updates or changes to our timetable or sessions. Primarily this will be done through meetup. However if members choose to join the whatsapp group, or message me privately through whatsapp I will then use this as a primary communication device for class information.

The name of your emergency contact and telephone number of your emergency contact will be collected during registration and completion of this form. This will only be used by me and only in the event of an emergency to notify your emergency contact of the situation.

When registering and completing the form I will ask you about your current and previous health and medical information to show us you are fit for attending my classes or PT sessions. The questions I ask are known as a PAR-Q health questionnaire and are standard in the health and fitness industry. A PAR-Q must be completed by all class and PT clients before attendance in a training session.

If you have joined the PB:Training/ PB:Running whatsapp group then other members will be able to see your number. This group is not to be used by users for spam, marketing, or inappropriate content. I will use this group to market and promote our classes. We will generally discuss upcoming training sessions, events or races, as well as possible group social events. We may also post photos from the above events. You are free to join, or leave the whatsapp group at any point.

Who do I share your data with

I do not share your data with any third party.
The only time your data becomes available to others is when you join the whatsapp group, as members will be able to see the contact numbers of all the users.

Keeping your information up to date and how long I will keep your information for

It is your responsibility to ensure that the information you submit when registering for our sessions is complete, accurate, and up to date, and it is your responsibility to notify me if that information changes.
I will keep the information that you provide me with for when you register for a period of 3 years, after which it will be deleted if you no longer attend our sessions.