
The Charity Commission for Northern Ireland is developing a new Strategic Plan and a new Engagement Strategy. Both of these are being undertaken following the Independent Review of Charity Regulation commissioned by the Minister for Communities.
The draft Strategic Plan outlines priorities the Commission aims to address as it develops as an enabling regulator to deliver statutory framework governing charity regulation in Northern Ireland over the next three years. Actions to deliver these priories will be set out later in annual business plans. The sequence and timeline for delivery of priorities may change year to year in light of resourcing of the Commission. The draft Engagement Strategy aims to set out how the Commission will become more outward facing and actively engage with stakeholders to enable the sector to comply with charity regulation.
The Commission is consulting on both its draft Strategic Plan 2023 – 2026 and the draft Engagement Strategy. This survey addresses both these plans.
If you want to respond to the consultation on the draft Strategic Plan and the Engagement Strategy complete the survey here.
If you only want to respond to the consultation on the draft Engagement Strategy complete the survey here.
NOTE: if you begin the survey and log out without completing it, you will not be able to return to it later. If this happens you can complete the rest of the questions in the document on our website here and email the response to the Commission.
This questionnaire should take around 15 minutes to complete.
Thank you for providing feedback on our strategic direction for the future and our plans to engage with the sector and all our stakeholders. Your feedback will help the Commission to identify potential areas for improvement. You will be asked to voluntarily provide some personal data. We encourage you to read the Commission's Privacy notice which sets out our privacy notice and retention and disposal schedule summary.
The materials and process used for this consultation have been screened to ensure that they are accessible to all who want to take part in the consultation. You can read a copy of the Equality screening on the Commission’s website. If you would like to take part in this consultation and have any accessibility requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us at