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Attract, Retain, Grow – the skills and talent pipeline for Oxfordshire’s innovation ecosystem

Advanced Oxford is a not-for-profit membership group comprised of organisations within the Oxfordshire region that are all committed to the development of a vibrant innovation ecosystem.  Access to skills and talent is critical to the region's success as an engine-room for innovation and STEM-based businesses.  We are undertaking a research project to look at the skills and talent pipeline.  Please help us to build a robust evidence base for skills investment and policy by sharing your experience and insight.

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* 1. Tell us about you and your organisation

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* 2. Is your company growing in size (related to the number of staff you have)?  (please select one answer)

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* 3. Tell us about your recruitment and HR function

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* 4. What types of skills or roles do you find it most challenging to find?  Please tell us about these, e.g. engineering skills, data scientists, software engineering (any specific language?), laboratory technician.  Please add as many as relevant.

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* 5. Tell us about your experiences in using apprenticeships within your company/organisation.

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* 6. If your company uses apprenticeships, please indicate at what levels you offer (please tick as many as is relevant).

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* 7. Please provide any further comments or information on apprenticeships (optional).  We are interested in hearing views on the apprenticeship levy, quality and knowledge of training partners and providers etc.

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* 8. Innovate UK supports Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs), access to skill and talent through an associate, supported by an academic researcher or University - these are poorly used in Oxfordshire and we are interested to know why

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* 9. Are you using the Kickstart scheme?

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* 10. Considering scientific and technical roles only, what level of qualification does your organisation ask for - recognising that you will likely recruit to a range of roles, please select as many as relevant.

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* 11. How do you find talent for your organisation, again focusing on scientific and technical roles - please score each option indicating how frequently you use this route for attracting talent.

  Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never/ N/A We have not used this route previously, but anticipate that we may in the future
Work experience placements
Other in-house/company training schemes
School leavers
Further Education colleges or providers
Apprenticeship programmes run by my company
Apprentices trained within other organisations
Graduates and post-graduates
Academia (individuals who have undertaken post-doctoral training/lab heads/faculty members etc)
Industry - same sector as your organisation
Industry - other sectors
NHS (question for health or life sciences related companies)

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* 12. Where do you attract talent from (location) - again please indicate how likely it is that you will recruit from different locations - please consider the location where the individual was based, prior to being recruited to your organisation.

  Often Sometimes Rarely Never
Other parts of south east of England, e.g. Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Kent
Rest of UK 
Australia/Canada/New Zealand
Rest of the World

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* 13. If you recruit internationally (outside UK) what skills or experience do you typically need to source from the international labour market?

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* 14. Please assess how Brexit has affected your company/organisation's experience of recruiting and retaining talent (positive or negative)

Entirely negative Neither negative nor positive Entirely positive
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 15. Tell us about the impacts of Brexit on your acquisition and retention of talent - please select as many as are relevant

  Agree Disagree I have no data/experience of this issue
Brexit has had no impact on retention of staff within my company/organisation
Brexit has had no impact on acquisition of staff within my company/organisation
Brexit has had a positive impact on acquisition of staff within my company/organisation
My company/organisation has lost existing staff due to Brexit
My company/organisation finds it more difficult to attract EU national candidates since 1st January, 2021
My company/organisation recruits more UK nationals since 1st January, 2021
Recruitment to some roles has become more difficult

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* 16. Tell us about any changes you have put in place or experienced relating to the costs or time associated with recruitment as a result of Brexit.

  Improved/quicker/cheaper Worse/slower/more expensive No change I have no data/experience of this issue
Time to recruit 
Recruitment costs 
Ease of getting visas
Costs of getting visas
Relocation costs

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* 17. Do you have any initiatives or activities operating within your company/organisation to address equality, diversity or inclusion issues?

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* 18. Looking forward to 5 years time, what changes in your skills requirements do you expect to see?  Please mention new areas of skills requirement, please mention areas where you may require fewer skilled staff.

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* 19. Please provide us with your e mail address if you are happy for us to contact you about this research or to invite you to events related to this work.  We would like to keep in touch, but this is OPTIONAL.

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