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Essex Country Council’s analysis has concluded that there is low evidence of need for a library in Kelvedon and it can close.

Kelvedon and Feering Library Working Party strongly disagree with the view that our library is not needed.  It is a vibrant and important resource for the two villages, and we are exploring how we can continue to offer you, our residents, a library service and community learning hub that meets your needs.

So, tell us what you need!  With your help we can design a service provided by the community, for the community and not lose this valuable local resource.

The online survey will be closing on 5th July

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* 1. What is your age?

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* 2. How often do you use Kelvedon Library?

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* 3. I use the library for:  (tick all that apply to you)

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* 4. What events have you attended at Kelvedon Library

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* 5. If you do not use the library or only infrequently, why is this?  (tick all that apply to you)

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* 6. What does the library NOT offer that you would like to see?  This could be additional resources, groups, clubs, events, fundraising ideas or anything else!  This is YOUR library and we want to know how YOU want to use it

0 of 6 answered