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Thank you for taking a few moments to help us

At Education Support, we can't provide our valuable services without donors like you, so we want to ensure that the information you receive from us covers the topics that are most relevant to you and that the data we hold for you is accurate. We'd very much appreciate you taking just a minute or two to answer the questions below. You may have given us some of this information before, but we like to make sure that our records are up to date. Thank you for your time.

Question Title

* 1. Your name and contact details:

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* 2. Your date of birth:


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* 3. Your gender:

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* 4. Do you work in the education sector?

Question Title

* 5. So that we can plan our activities for the future, it is very helpful for us to know how many of our supporters are thinking of leaving a gift to us in their Will. If you'd rather not disclose this, we completely understand that this is a private matter so feel free to leave the answer blank.

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* 6. Which of Education Support's services are you most interested in hearing about? Tick all that apply.

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* 7. If you receive the Supporter Magazine, which of the following do you enjoy or value in the magazine? Tick all that apply.

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* 8. Is there anything else that you'd like us to include in the magazine?

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