Question Title

* 1. When did contact with SensationALL make the biggest impact on you or your family's life?
(please give one answer)

Question Title

* 2. How much impact has contact with SensationALL had on your family?
(please can you answer for each line)

  NA 1-no impact 2-low impact 3-some impact 4-significant impact 5-highly significant impact
Multiple support need individual 
Extended family
Associated professionals
The whole family 

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the areas in which SensationALL has benefited the lives of you and your family?
(please can you answer for each line)

  NA 1-no impact 2-low impact 3-some impact 4-significant impact 5-highly significant impact
mental health and wellbeing
physical or developmental areas
feelings of empowerment 
skills and knowledge 
self confidence levels 
family dynamics and relationships
independence skills 
emotional regulation and mood 
inclusion and social acceptance 
feeling of safety and nurturement 

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the SensationALL services you have attended which have benefited you and your family
(please can you answer each area that applies to you)

  1-no impact 2-low impact 3-some impact 4-significant impact 5-highly significant impact 6-not attended
pre-school groups (Sensory/Early Comms)
specialist advice
parental support and empowerment 
training workshops
school age regulation groups (CHILL-oot/Girls Group)
inclusive social groups 
0adult social groups (Mayhem)
teenage social groups (socALLise)
holiday groups
family sessions (Stay & Play)
sibling sessions
music sessions

Question Title

* 5. Please agree or disagree with the following statements about how you feel as a result of your contact with SensationALL.
(please can you answer for each line)

  Agree Unsure Disagree
You feel more able/skilled to deal with daily life and challenges
You feel more supported
You feel you/your family are receiving timely support
You/your family are benefiting from specialist advice
You feel accepted & in touch with people who appreciate your situation
You feel more positive about your life
You feel more socially included
You/your family are benefiting from specialist skills/intervention
You feel less stressed/worried
Your family relationships have improved

Question Title

* 6. Please choose which services you would like to access this coming year? (SensationALL service details here)

Question Title

* 7. Please tell us how you like to receive information from us about services, events and our holiday programmes by ranking the following methods in order of preference.(1 being most preferred, 8 being least).

Question Title

* 8. Please describe your experiences of SensationALL & the impact it has had on your life?

Question Title

* 9. How did you first hear about the services offered at SensationALL?”

Question Title

* 10. How could SensationALL services be improved?