1. Welcome to BLG Mind’s Inclusion Survey


BLG Mind covers a large and diverse area of South East London. The people we support are affected by issues relating to inclusion.  Inclusion is a basic right and its objective should be to welcome and embrace everyone, regardless of race, age, gender, disability, religious and cultural beliefs and sexual orientation. To aim for true inclusion, we need to remove barriers, discrimination and intolerance. When implemented properly, it should make everyone feel included and supported.

A group of Staff, Service users, Volunteers and Trustees has been meeting throughout 2019 to review how inclusive we are as an organisation.  We are giving consideration to groups of people we believe may not find BLG Mind relevant, eg: 

o   BAMER (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic and Refugee)
o   LGBTTQQIAAP (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, Ally, and Pansexual)
o   Young people (under 25)
o   Disabled people

It is intended that the review period will conclude with a final report and recommendations during 2020.

Why complete the survey?

In order to understand how BLG Mind are perceived in terms of inclusivity, we need your honest input! Your feedback will help the review group to make recommendations that aim to provide a more inclusive and culturally aware organisation for the future. 

You cannot be identified from your responses. They are completely anonymous. All survey data will be only accessible by HR, held in the strictest confidence and results reported at group level only. 

Survey Instructions

If none of the options apply, please use the comments box to give as much detail as possible.  For example, you might prefer to self-describe your ethnicity or, if you don't know enough to be able to respond to one of the statements, you might like to say 'I don't know'.

If you want to go back a page at any point, use the 'PREVIOUS' button at the bottom of each screen. Do not use the 'back' arrow key at the top of your browser window. The survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete.

If you are unable to complete this survey online and would like to discuss adjustments to enable you to complete it, please call our HR department on 020 8289 5001 or email HR@blgmind.org.uk

Please complete and submit/return the survey by Friday 17 January!
Thank you in advance!
11% of survey complete.