
WP9 Task 2 and the GLAD team would like to invite you to the 2021 GÉANT software Tools Survey
Many projects across the GÉANT community rely on the development of innovative software and solutions.  It is therefore vital that the teams have access to the best and latest development tools and services to help us build a roadmap for GN4-3 and future projects. This survey, developed by WP9 and the GLAD team, aims to gather insight into the changing priorities of the GEANT community in the field of software development.

We would like to know what is your experience with the software tools you use in your projects and what you plan to use going forward.

Based on your experiences, we will be able to focus on supporting the right tools and services.  Your voice is important for us to customize the current software tools stack, to recognize if there is a need to introduce new tools and to identify your demands for facilities such as application containerization.

We would be grateful if you could take 10 minutes to complete this survey and share your knowledge and experience. The survey consists of three parts first is about your daily work, second is about future needs, and the third is specifically focused on containerization and how it will assist the GÉANT community.

We look forward to seeing your experiences and we will share the results from the community in our next report.