Festival of Partnerships 2023


This year the AMRC is shining a light on partnering – how best to do it, the challenges it brings and showcasing great examples from the sector. We are keen to understand what topics you would value in our festival, identify case studies covering a whole range of potential relationships and hear about benefits and any issues or barriers you have encountered.

To identify case studies from the full range of potential relationships, we're inviting responses from multiple individuals of member charities, to showcase the broad range of relationships currently held between our charities and other organisations. You recently gave us the ‘stats’ in our annual data collection on research grant collaborations, and we'd like to invite you to provide more information on what these collaborations involve (i.e. research areas). We are also looking for other examples, maybe joint advocacy or campaigns, or shared resources, or even partnerships we have never thought of.

Question Title

* 1. Personal information:

33% of survey complete.