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Your experiences of paying for care

Alzheimer Scotland's Fair Dementia Care campaign seeks to end the inequities faced by people with advanced dementia, their families and carers. In the run up to the 2021 Scottish General Election, we will be asking Candidates to pledge to help us end these inequities. If you are someone who has had an experience of paying for care, we would appreciate you completing this short survey so we can best understand this matter and use it to inform our campaign further. The results of this campaign will be shared anonymously - no personal details will be shared.

Note: whilst this survey is open to both people with dementia living in a care home and their family members/carers, we have framed the questions from the perspective of the person who is living in a care home. 

Question Title

* 1. Are you:

Question Title

* 3. Are you self-funding?

0 of 22 answered