Consultation on the Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Review & Strategy

Huntingdonshire District Council is developing a strategy for tackling homelessness and rough sleeping.
Rough sleeping is the most visible outcome of homelessness but it affects far more people than we see on the streets of our towns. There are many individuals and families who do not have a settled home of their own or are facing circumstances that may lead to the threat of homelessness. 

We want to consult widely with residents of the district as well as organisations and agencies that may play a role in identifying homelessness and working with us to combat its harmful effects. The strategy will give direction to how we focus our efforts to prevent and address homelessness and rough sleeping and it is important that we take on board the views of others.

We have designed a set of questions in this survey to gather your views on the key issues. Please refer to our draft Homelessness & Rough Sleeping Review & Strategy that can be found on the consultation page of the council's website.