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The Civil Service LGBT+ and a:gender networks have developed this tool to record instances of bullying, harassment and discrimination (BHD) experienced or witnessed by lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, queer, trans, non-binary and intersex colleagues, inclusive of anyone who considers themself part of the LGBTQIA+ community. We would also like to hear from friends, relatives, and allies who work for the Civil Service. This tool is for Civil Servants only.
This reporting tool does not have a closing date and provides an ongoing way for colleagues to record instances of BHD. The records will be used to collect evidence of BHD experienced by LGBTQIA+ staff across the Civil Service. This will help ensure that the Civil Service meets its commitment to equality and diversity set out in the Civil Service Diversity and Inclusion Strategy.

This form is completely anonymous and takes approximately 5 minutes to complete. 

Your responses are confidential and will only be visible to the a:gender Executive Committee and the Civil Service LGBT+ Network’s Trans and Non-binary Inclusion Team. Responses will be aggregated and used to identify key themes or issues. Findings generated from this data will be shared with Civil Service HR and the HR and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Teams within Civil Service departments, bodies or agencies. We will use statistical disclosure control methods to ensure no data is shared that could identify any individual person or incident. For more information about the reporting tool please contact

You can only report one instance of bullying, harassment or discrimination at a time. If you have more than one instance to report please submit multiple entries. 
No direct action will be taken about the incident being reported as a result of using this tool. If you require support with a specific BHD incident please contact your HR team, a trade union representative, departmental LGBT+ network or your department’s Employee Assistance Service.

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* This tool is for Civil Servants only, please confirm your eligbility: