Your Views Matter - Meanwhile Use Survey

Your Views Matter – Meanwhile Use

The Alton Regeneration Team are looking into how temporarily vacant buildings and spaces on the estate could be put to beneficial use or improved. We would really like to hear your thoughts on what you would like to see. Below is a list of suggested meanwhile use initiatives we are considering. Please tick all those initiatives you would like to see. At the bottom is a space for you to add your own ideas. 
1.Please tick as appropriate:(Required.)
2.Outdoor spaces - Gardening & Nature
3.Outdoor spaces - Arts & Culture
4.Outdoor spaces - Aesthetic Enhancements
5.Outdoor spaces - Functional Enhancements
6.Outdoor spaces - Upcycling / Recycling
7.Outdoor spaces - Uses
8.Indoor spaces - Uses
9.Over To You

Please use this space to tell us about any other meanwhile use ideas you might have:

What kind of artwork would you like to see (e.g. sculptures, painting /drawings, graffiti-style, murals, abstract design, block colours, poetry, written words)?