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Consultation Questions

Thank you for sharing your views on our RSE Policy. They will be given weight and we may make changes to our RSE Policy in light of your views, as appropriate.

The following questions are asked to collect your views about our RSE Policy and our approach to RSE. They are not asked to collect your views about whether or not the DfE is right to require us to teach specific topics as part of RSE. Concerns about the DfE’s requirements should be made to the DfE. We do not have power over those requirements and, as our RSE Policy explains, we are legally required to comply with them.

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* 1. Is our RSE Policy clearly written and easy to understand – could any parts of it be made clearer?

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* 2. After reading Section IX of our RSE Policy (“Raising Concerns About this Policy or the RSE Curriculum”), do you understand how to raise concerns about our RSE Policy or RSE Curriculum and what things should be considered before raising a concern?

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* 3. After reading Section VII of our RSE Policy (“The Right to Withdraw”), do you understand how to submit a request to withdraw your child from the elements of sex education that are not taught as part of the compulsory national science curriculum?

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* 4. (for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities only): After reading Section VI of our RSE Policy (“SEND Students”), do you understand how your child will be taught the range of RSE topics required by the DfE?

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* 5. Do you think that our RSE Policy and Curriculum cover all of the topics required by the DfE? Those topics are set out at Appendix A to our RSE Policy?

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* 6. After reading our RSE Policy and RSE Curriculum, how would you rate your understanding of when and how your child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE?

  Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree
I have a strong understanding of when and how my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE.
I understand when and how my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE
I have a weak understanding of when and how my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE.
I have no understanding of when and how my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE.

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* 7. (Optional): If you answered “I have no understanding of when and how my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE” in response to Question 4, please explain how your understanding could be improved.

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* 8. To what extent do you agree with the following statement about our RSE Policy and Curriculum: “I feel confident that my child will be taught about the range of RSE topics required by the DfE at an appropriate stage in their development, in a way that is sensitive to their cultural or religious background and in a way that respects the dignity and equality of all students”.

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* 9. (Optional): If you answered “Disagree” or “Strongly Disagree” in response to Question 8, please explain why you do not feel confident about our approach to teaching RSE, which is underpinned by our values of equality and inclusion.

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* 10. (Optional): Do you have any additional information or evidence which we may have overlooked when developing our RSE Policy?

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